We aim to address disparities in heart health so all Australians can live longer, healthier lives. Every day we are making the case to governments and industry for action to improve heart health.
Below is some of our current advocacy work.
With over four million Australians living with a cardiac condition, the future health of the nation is at risk without urgent intervention. Every year
The Heart Foundation calls on the Australian Government to prioritise the future heart health of the nation by making the following investments:
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is progressing work on nutrition labelling to better support consumers to make informed healthy food choices. The Heart Foundation welcomes the opportunity to share evidence and information with FSANZ to help inform their work on front and back-of-pack nutrition labelling, including the Health Star Rating (HSR) system and the nutrition information panel (NIP).
Read the Heart Foundation's response to FSANZ's call for information.
Harmful use of alcohol and other drugs severely impacts the health and wellbeing of the individual, families and communities in Australia. It also affects our economy, health system and justice system, and contributes to inequity for many people in Australia.
Read the Heart Foundation’s submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport’s inquiry on the health impacts of alcohol and other drug use in Australia.
The Heart Foundation welcomes the Food Regulation Standing Committee's initiative to improve commercial foods for infants and young children. We support policy options that would impose greater regulations on the composition and labelling of commercial infant and toddler foods in Australia.
Read the Heart Foundation's submission to the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care's public consultation on improving commercial foods for infants and toddlers.
The Heart Foundation broadly supports the ambitions set out in the Consultation Roadmap to achieve net zero by 2050. Our comments primarily relate to objectives set out in the Consultation Roadmap towards rethinking transport networks and systems to promote active and public transport.
Exposure to marketing for unhealthy foods and drinks can significantly influence food intake, choices and preferences. Children are especially at risk of being influenced because they are at an important stage in life where they develop habits that often last into adulthood.
Read the Heart Foundation’s submission to the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care’s feasibility study on options to limit unhealthy food marketing to children.
There are more than 20,000 deaths each year caused by smoking. The Heart Foundation champions measures that make smoking and the use of e-cigarettes and vaping products less appealing.
You can read more about our recent submissions and representations to governments here. Â
The medical research literature shows that there are clear links between poverty and health outcomes and across a range of different areas including food security, energy affordability, indigenous status, and the health impacts of climate change. People living in poverty are more likely to have adverse cardiovascular health outcomes, and this relationship is bidirectional, as those living with cardiovascular health conditions are more likely to be living in poverty.
The Heart Foundation contends that addressing the causes of poverty has the potential to improve the cardiovascular health of millions of Australians, and that by helping people to improve their cardiovascular health they are less likely to find themselves trapped in poverty.
The Heart Foundation has made the following recommendations to the Committee:
Submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Poverty Inquiry
The economic burden attributable to high cholesterol is $3.9 billion.
The total economic cost of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), which includes heart attack and unstable angina, is $6.8 billion in 2017-18.
Tobacco smoke is one of the main risk factors for heart disease and is responsible for 12% of the burden of cardiovascular disease in Australia.
Learn more about the work being done to end tobacco use in Australia.
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in this country. In 2022, our unwavering vision of an Australia free of heart disease is stronger than ever, and we look forward to working with the incoming federal government to achieve this. As we approach federal polling day, we outline our three key election priorities that we believe will make a significant difference to the heart health of all Australians and will keep more families together.
We also send a strong message of support to end rheumatic heart disease in Australia, and highlight the need for continued support to enhance our physical activity and walking agenda.
Heart Foundation provided a submission to the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) proposal P1059 regarding energy labelling on alcoholic beverages.
Summary of the recommendations within our submission:
Diabetes and its complications including kidney disease and obesity, are established risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD).
The Heart Foundation supports the draft National Urban Policy’s clear recognition of the role of urban environments to support community health and wellbeing. We further note the interconnectedness of the Policy’s goals, objectives and principles, and the stated need for a holistic approach to achieve the ambitions and framework set out in the National Urban Policy.
Read the Heart Foundation’s submission to the draft National Urban Policy here.
Last updated10 February 2025