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Direct deposit enrollment form: Fill out this form to authorize automatic deposit of your funds into your bank account.

Direct debit request service agreement

How you can help


Direct debit request service agreement

Our commitment to you

We, the National Heart Foundation of Australia ABN 98 008 419 761 (Debit User ID 404532), note our commitment to you as follows:

  • We will send you an annual receipt in the mail summarising the drawings.

  • Where the due date of your regular monthly gift falls on a non-business day, we will draw the amount on the next business day. In the event the drawing is declined, we may re-attempt the transaction in the days following the due date and/or contact you.

  • We will provide written notice of any proposed changes to your drawing arrangement, providing no less than 14 days’ notice.

  • We reserve the right to cancel the drawing arrangement if drawings are continually declined by your nominated financial institution. Where drawings are declined we will contact you to arrange an alternate payment method. A fee may apply for drawings that are returned unpaid.

  • We will keep all information provided by you and details of your nominated account at the financial institution private and confidential. However, your financial institution may require such information to be provided in the event of a claim or relating toan alleged incorrect or wrongful debit. We will not provide any information requested unless we are legally obliged to disclose the information, or where possible, without first obtaining your consent.

  • Our supporter relations team will investigate and deal promptly with any queries, claims or complaints regarding debits, providing a response within 20 business days.

Your commitment (the donor)

You (the donor) note your commitment to us as follows:

  • If uncertain about any details please check with your Financial Institution before completing any details.

  • Direct Debit through the Bulk Electronic Clearance System (BECS), is not available from all accounts. It is your responsibility to check with your financial institution prior to completing the Direct Debit Request Service Agreement that direct debiting is available from your nominated account, and that your account details are correct.

  • You are advised to check all account details against a recent statement from your Financial Institution.

  • It is your responsibility to ensure that person authorising the Direct Debit Request is identical to the account signatory as held by the financial institution of the nominated account.

  • It is your responsibility to ensure at all times, that sufficient funds are available in the nominated account to meet drawings each month on the due date.

  • It is your responsibility to advise us if the account nominated by you is altered, transferred or closed.

  • It is your responsibility to arrange with us a suitable alternative payment method if the ability to draw from your nominated account is stopped, either by you or the nominated Financial Institution.

  • If you wish to cancel or alter a debit payment you must notify us by calling 13 11 12 (option 2) at least 20 days before the next donation day.

  • It is your responsibility to meet any charges resulting from the set up and usage of direct debit as your preferred method of regular giving. This may include fees charged to us as a result of returned drawings.

  • If you are uncertain as to when the debit will be processed from your account you should enquire directly with your Financial Institution.

Your rights

  • You may request to defer, alter or cancel the agreed drawing schedule, by giving written notice to the National Heart Foundation of Australia, Reply Paid 2222, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 or by emailing us at [email protected]. Such notice should be received by us at least 20 business days prior to the due date of your next donation.

  • All transaction disputes, queries and claims should be raised directly with us either by calling 13 11 12 (Option 2) or emailing [email protected]. We will provide a verbal or written response within 20 business days from the date of notice. If your claim/dispute is successful, we will arrange for your financial institution to adjust your account accordingly.

Last updated21 February 2024