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The Global Cardiovascular Research Funders Forum



The Global Cardiovascular Research Funders Forum

About the Global Cardiovascular Research Funders Forum (GCRFF)

Founded in 2018, the Global Cardiovascular Research Funders Forum (GCRFF) is an international partnership of major cardiovascular research funders.

The GCRFF’s mission is to improve global cardiovascular health by accelerating, supporting and promoting transformational international research efforts in heart, stroke and circulatory diseases.

GCRFF partner organisations

  • American Heart Association (AHA)
  • British Heart Foundation (BHF)
  • Danish Heart Foundation
  • Dutch Heart Foundation (Hartstichting)
  • German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK)
  • Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
  • Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (CIHR-Canada)
  • Leducq Foundation
  • National Heart Foundation of Australia
  • National Heart Foundation of New Zealand
  • National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NIH-NHLBI), USA
  • Swiss Heart Foundation

GCRFF workstreams

The GCRFF is actively progressing its efforts through the three primary workstreams:

This workstream focuses on facilitating the coordinated consideration of investigator-led multinational clinical trials by national funders. Learn more about the Mulitinational Trials Initiative.

The GCRFF is exploring how partner organisations can best share data to advance common and unique research agendas, with the ultimate goal of driving the GCRFF's mission to a global scale. Learn more about the Data Sharing Initiative.

In this workstream, partner organisations are collaboratively setting a joint research agenda to address areas of acute unmet need with global relevance in cardiovascular health. The current focus is women’s cardiovascular health and equity. The GCRFF is currently developing joint funding mechanisms and establishing positions on policy. Learn more about Setting a Research Agenda.

For more information on the GCRFF, visit the British Heart Foundation website.

For any queries regarding the GCRFF, please get in touch with the Project Lead Stacey Matthews, [email protected].

Global Cardiovascular Research Funders Forum (GCRFF) partner organisations logo collection

Last updated12 August 2024