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Clinical guidelines and position statements

For health professionals


Clinical guidelines and position statements

On this page
  • The Heart Foundation develops evidence-based clinical guidelines for a range of cardiovascular conditions.
  • Our position and consensus statements provide recommendations based on the latest evidence, for specific areas of cardiovascular care in Australia.
  • The Heart Foundation conducts a robust review when endorsing externally developed clinical resources related to cardiovascular care.

Healthcare professionals play an important role in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of cardiovascular disease.

Our evidence-based guidelines, tools and resources support you to provide best practice cardiovascular care to your patients. These resources can be used in your daily pratice to support your patients who are at risk of, or living with, cardiovascular disease.

Clinical guidelines 

The Heart Foundation, often in partnership with the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ), Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) and other aligned organisations, develops high quality, evidence-based clinical guidelines for a range of cardiovascular conditions.

Our guidelines are co-developed with healthcare professionals and consumers to ensure the guidance is relevant and meets the needs of the Australian community.

Heart Health Check Toolkit

Explore our Heart Health Check Toolkit, developed to support general practices to implement absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment as part of routine patient care.

Position and consensus statements

The Heart Foundation position and consensus statements provide recommendations based on the latest evidence, for specific areas of cardiovascular care in Australia.

2021 Position statement: Smoking and vaping cessation

2021 Coronary artery calcium scoring for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in Australia - please note updated advice on coronary artery calcium scoring can be found in the Australian guideline for assessing and managing CVD risk.

2020 Position statement on cardiac rehabilitation: Face-to-face and telehealth delivery options

2020 Cardiovascular disease risk assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults aged under 35 years

View our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples information and resources for healthcare professionals.  

2013 Screening, referral and treatment for depression in patients with coronary heart disease

We have also developed information and resources specific to women and heart disease.

The Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) brings together five non-government health organisations to prevent chronic disease in Australia. As a member of ACDPA, the Heart Foundation contributes to the development of numerous position statements on topics including obesity and chronic disease, alcohol taxation, and sugar-sweetened beverages. Find out more about the ACDPA and their position statements.

Endorses clinical guidelines and resources

The Heart Foundation is committed to promoting evidence-based care for all people in Australia living with, or at risk of, heart disease.

Australian National Standards of Care for Childhood-onset Heart Disease, 2024

View the COHD guidelines

Endorsement process

We have a robust review process for endorsement of externally developed clinical resources related to cardiovascular care. The Heart Foundation will only endorse resources that meet the Heart Foundation’s essential criteria. Learn more about the endorsement process.

A woman discussing her health concerns with a doctor in a professional office setting.

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Endorsement of externally developed clinical resources

The Heart Foundation is committed to promoting evidence-based care for all Australians with heart disease. We have a robust review process for endorsement of externally developed clinical documents related to cardiovascular care.

Last updated28 October 2024

Last reviewed22 February 2024