2 min read
Smoking affects the vessels that supply blood to your heart and other parts of your body. It reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood and damages blood vessel walls.
Smoking contributes to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis occurs when there is narrowing and clogging of the arteries which reduces blood supply, and the amount of oxygen available, throughout the body.
Smoking also increases the stiffness of the blood vessels making it harder for them to expand and contract as needed and more likely to split. These changes to the arteries can cause a heart attack, stroke or angina.
Smokers not only have more heart attacks, strokes and angina than non-smokers, but also at a much younger age.
Heart attack – 2x higher
Stroke – 2x higher
Peripheral arterial disease – 5x higher
Three times more likely to die of heart disease (i.e. heart attack and stroke), and three times more likely to die from sudden cardiac death.
Second-hand smoke can cause heart disease in non-smokers. Breathing in second-hand smoke damages your arteries. Platelets in your blood can get sticky and may form clots, just like in a person who smokes. If you already have heart disease, you are at greater risk from exposure to second-hand smoke than people who don't.
If you are a smoker and are ready to quit, thinking about quitting, or want to help someone else to quit, talk to your doctor or health practitioner about giving up smoking.
Or call the Quitline on 13 7848 or visit the Quit website.
Many people slip up after they quit and start smoking again.
Don’t see this as a failure. Instead, think about what made you smoke again. How can you deal with this situation next time?
What worked and what didn’t work? Learn from this and try quitting again. You become better at quitting each time you try.
One year after quitting, your risk of a heart attack or stroke is reduced by half. In 5 to 15 years, your risk of stroke and coronary heart disease returns to that of someone who has never smoked. Use the quit smoking action plan designed to help heart attack survivors.
We do not support the use of e-cigarettes. Research on their safety indicates there are risks for heart health and the effectiveness of e-cigarettes in helping people to quit smoking has not been proven.
Associate Professor Nick Cox, Director of Cardiology at Western Health and Heart Foundation spokesperson discusses the impact of smoking on heart health and the real-life consequences he sees every day. (Video courtesy of Quit Victoria)
Heart disease is a major cause of health problems and death in Australia, but it’s often preventable. Learn more about the different types of heart disease.
Learn how quitting smoking can support heart attack recovery and improve your health. Get tips and guidance to quit for a healthier heart.
Smoking rates are coming down in Australia but there are still more than 20,000 deaths caused by smoking every year.
Last updated25 March 2024
Last reviewed29 February 2024