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Queensland Cardiovascular Research Network (QCVRN)



Queensland Cardiovascular Research Network (QCVRN)

Providing a framework to strengthen cardiovascular research in Queensland

Launched by the Governor of Queensland in November 2015, the Queensland Cardiovascular Research Network (QCVRN) provides a framework to strengthen cardiovascular research in Queensland, including:

  • fostering multi-disciplinary collaborations
  • attracting new funding for Queensland cardiovascular research
  • building research capacity
  • becoming a combined voice for cardiovascular research in Queensland and ensuring the potential benefits generated from the research are maximised.

Becoming a member

Members of the QCVRN share the vision of fostering a visionary, vital and connected cardiovascular research community in Queensland. Membership to the QCVRN is free.

Become part of this group and enjoy the following benefits:

  • Institutional access to multi-disciplinary collaborations (leading to higher quality research outputs) facilitated by QCVRN
  • Access to tools and platforms developed by the QCVRN
  • Being part of a collective voice to support cardiovascular research in Queensland
  • Acknowledgement in all QCVRN activities
  • Recruit and retain higher quality research staff or other related health professionals
  • Advocacy to establish a Queensland cardiovascular research institute
  • In the longer term, access to funding schemes developed by the QCVRN.

Join the network

For more information, email the QCVRN team.

Queensland Cardiovascular Research Network Logo

Executive Steering Committee

The executive steering committee, chaired independently by Associate Professor Jonathon Fanning and Dr. Meegan Walker, includes representatives from the Heart Foundation, Queensland Health, and various research organisations. Its purpose is to offer strategic direction and leadership to the QCVRN.

The current committee includes:

  • Associate Professor Jonathon Fanning (Co-chair), University of Queensland
  • Dr Meegan Walker (Co-chair), University of Sunshine Coast
  • Professor Fraser Russell, University of the Sunshine Coast
  • Professor Zhiyong Li, Queensland University of Technology
  • Ms Kerry Doyle OAM, Australian Cardiovascular Alliance
  • Associate Professor Jason Peart, Griffith University
  • Associate Professor Joseph Moxon, James Cook University
  • Dr Saman Khalesi, Central Queensland University
  • Mrs Sheree Hughes, Heart Foundation
  • Dr Melissa Reichelt, University of Queensland
  • Professor Julie Redfern, Bond University
  • Dr Uba Nwose, University of Southern Queensland
  • Professor Hang Ta, Griffith University

Emerging Leaders Sub-Committee

Sitting under the Executive Steering Committee is the QCVRN Emerging Leaders Sub-Committee (ELC) (established in 2024). This Committee will represent the interests of the Early-Mid Career Researchers (EMCRs) of the QCVRN.

The ELC will develop, drive, and facilitate events and opportunities for EMCRs of the QCVRN and provide advice to the Executive Steering Committee on these initiatives and any other EMCR related issues. In particular, the Committee will guide the program of EMCR targeted capability and capacity building activities and initiatives. Members of this Sub-Committee are EMCRs of the QCVRN (with the exception of A/Prof Jason Peart).

Opportunities to join this Committee are available annually, advertised via this website and by email.

The Emerging Leaders Sub-Committee members include:

  • A/Prof Jason Peart (Executive Co-chair), Griffith University
  • Dr Nchatatso Obonyo (EMCR Co-chair), University of Queensland
  • Dr Danielle Kamato, Griffith University
  • Mr Krist Feka, University of Sunshine Coast
  • Dr Yuanzhao Cao, University of Queensland
  • Dr Tianjiao Wang, Griffith University
  • Dr Antony McNamee, Griffith University
  • Dr Gursharan Singh, Queensland University of Technology
  • Miss Molly-rose McInerney, University of Queensland
  • Dr Jennifer Dermer, University of Sunshine Coast
  • Dr Andrew Stephens, Queensland University of Technology

QCVRN initiatives

For more information about these QCVRN initiatives, please contact the QCVRN at [email protected]

The QCVRN PhD scholarship scheme, which includes three scholarships in the fields of Biomedical, Clinical, and Public Health Research, has provided significant opportunities for the next generation of cardiovascular researchers. The 3 inaugural QCVRN PhD Top-Up Scholarships are awarded to students at any stage of their PhD candidature, providing $5000 per year on top of their university scholarship.

The QCVRN Grant writing support scheme assists QCVRN members with professional editing for grants. This support is provided by professional science editors who will assist researchers in developing major grant proposals and applications, enhancing the chances of successful outcomes. $1000 per grant is provided (total no. of grants supported will be dependent on the number of applications and available funding per annum).

The QCVRN Graphics support scheme assists QCVRN members with graphics design to improve visual impact of research findings and aid in science communication. Each eligible member can receive a maximum of $200 per funding round. We provide 20 schemes p.a to support a professional graphics artist to assist with infographics, illustrations, figures, graphical representations and images for grants, manuscripts, or presentations.

The QCVRN 'Lunch n Learn' webinars provide QCVRN members with discipline-relevant knowledge and upskilling opportunities. Bi-monthly, QCVRN partners with science and industry experts to bring an expert masterclass webinar on member-defined topics.

The QCVRN research and networking showcases promote and expose the impactful, local CV research being done. These annual satellite CV showcases have provided opportunities for multidisciplinary exposure and research communication for our network. It facilitates visibility of QLD research among key opinion leaders. This annual event promotes research outcomes of QLD CV researchers, and facilitates opportunities for students, postdoctoral fellows, and other early career researchers from QLD stakeholder institutions.

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Last updated14 March 2024