Find all of the Heart Foundation Grant Recipients and their projects awarded in 2018, commencing research projects in 2019.
For any enquiries, please contact the Research Program team at [email protected]
Institution | First Name | Last Name | Funded Amount | Scientific Title | Duration (Years) | State |
University of Adelaide | Alison | Care | $520,000 | Immune cells in preeclampsia – a target for cardiovascular disease prevention? | 4.0 | SA |
University of Sydney | Melanie | White | $640,000 | Determining the molecular basis for diminished myocardial recovery following ischemia / reperfusion injury in type 2 diabetes mellitus. | 4.0 | NSW |
Australian National University | Yuerui | Lu | $468,000 | High-throughput Cardiovascular 3D Imaging by Ultra-thin, Focus-tunable and High-speed Micro-lens Arrays | 4.0 | NSW |
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Andre | La Gerche | $640,000 | Utility of novel exercise imaging to identify sub-clinical cardiovascular disease | 4.0 | VIC |
Monash University | Connie | Wong | $20,000 | Novel strategies to improve stroke outcome | 1.5 | VIC |
Deakin University | Gary | Sacks | $640,000 | Policies for creating healthier food environments: increasing evidence and accountability for action | 4.0 | VIC |
Monash University | Gonzalo | del Monte Nieto | $520,000 | New Integrated Models in the Study of Cardiac Development and Disease. | 4.0 | VIC |
University of New South Wales | Jacqui | Webster | $640,000 | Strengthening advocacy and research impact to improve food and health policy | 4.0 | NSW |
Flinders University | Jeroen | Hendriks | $520,000 | Integrated Care Management for patients with Atrial Fibrillation: the iCARE-AF Trial | 4.0 | SA |
University of Western Australia | Judith | Katzenellenbogen | $640,000 | Take Heart: Strengthening evidence to support comprehensive action in Indigenous heart disease and stroke around Australia | 4.0 | WA |
Deakin University | Kathryn | Backholer | $520,000 | Building the evidence for effective and equitable pricing policies that improve cardiovascular health, for all Australians | 4.0 | VIC |
Monash University | Matthew | Pase | $520,000 | Vascular contributions to dementia | 4.0 | VIC |
Monash University | Natasha | Lannin | $640,000 | Conducting efficacy and implementation trials to improve the evidence-base of stroke rehabilitation to improve participation outcomes. | 4.0 | VIC |
University of Adelaide | Peter | Psaltis | $393,362 | New approaches to target plaque inflammation in atherosclerosis | 4.0 | SA |
University of New South Wales | Rohina | Joshi | $640,000 | Strengthening the health workforce for cardiovascular disease prevention and control | 4.0 | NSW |
University of Tasmania | Seana | Gall | $552,000 | Improving the prevention and management of stroke | 4.0 | TAS |
Monash University | Shaun | Gregory | $520,000 | Development and pre-clinical evaluation of strategies to reduce postoperative bleeding, infection and arrhythmias with left ventricular assist devices | 4.0 | QLD |
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Yung-Chih | Chen | $520,000 | Therapeutic Profiling of Atherosclerosis: Identifying and Testing Targets Specific for Plaque Instability | 4.0 | VIC |
Institution | First Name | Last Name | Funded Amount | Scientific Title | Duration (Years) | State |
Monash University | Adam | Brown | $96,798 | Validation and Effect of Low Endothelial Shear Stress on Coronary Atherosclerosis | 4.0 | VIC |
University of South Australia | Dorothea | Dumuid | $183,596 | Optimisation of daily activity behaviours to inform interventions for cardiovascular health | 4.0 | SA |
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | James | McFadyen | $194,236 | Developing novel anti-thrombotic/anti-in􀂢ammatory nanoparticles for the treatment of cardiac ischaemia reperfusion injury - with emphasis on the diabetic heart | 4.0 | VIC |
University of Adelaide | Li | Jiawen | $150,000 | Miniaturised multimodal intravascular catheter for in vivo longitudinal studies of high-risk plaques—simultaneous near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) molecular imaging and optical coherence tomography (OCT) microstructural imaging | 2.0 | SA |
Deakin University | Rebecca | Leech | $150,000 | Eating in context: A multilevel approach to understanding eating patterns and their role in cardiovascular health | 2.0 | VIC |
Deakin University | Sheikh Mohammed | Shariful Islam | $150,000 | Smart Home system for promoting healthy lifestyle and self-management in patients with Heart Failure (SHIFT-HF): A pilot randomized trial | 2.0 | VIC |
University of New South Wales | Xia | Wang | $150,000 | Generating new evidence to better guide stroke management | 2.0 | NSW |
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Aleksandr | Voskoboinik | $150,000 | Determining the impact of alcohol abstinence on atrial fibrillation (AF) and other cardiovascular outcomes following AF ablation (ABSTAIN-PVI multi-centre randomised controlled trial) | 2.0 | VIC |
University of New South Wales | Candice | Delcourt | $90,000 | Improve stroke care in regional and rural Australia by creating pathways to enhance the diagnosis and management of patients with transient neurological symptoms and acute stroke, and build collaboration between local practitioners, regional and rural hospitals and stroke specialists. | 2.0 | NSW |
University of Adelaide | Cher-Rin | Chong | $163,596 | Novel strategy to prevent cardiac complications in Type 2 diabetes: the role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 inhibition | 4.0 | SA |
University of Adelaide | Christopher | Wong | $150,000 | Characterising the effects of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibition on adiposity, cardiometabolic health, and outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation | 2.0 | SA |
The University of Queensland | Danielle | Kamato | $163,596 | Discovery and exploitation of a plausible biological mechanism linking periodontitis and cardiovascular disease | 4.0 | QLD |
Australian National University | Ellie | Paige | $150,000 | Improving cardiovascular disease prevention through policy-relevant evidence | 3.3 | ACT |
University of Sydney | Karice | Hyun | $150,000 | The effect of high-dose influenza vaccination on the prevention of cardiovascular events | 2.0 | NSW |
University of New South Wales | Kathy | Trieu | $163,596 | Population-level strategies to achieve optimal intake of sodium and potassium for the prevention of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases in Australia | 4.0 | NSW |
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Laura | Bienvenu | $150,000 | Activated-platelet targeted drug therapy – novel sex-specific approaches to thrombolysis | 2.0 | VIC |
Deakin University | Lewan | Parker | $163,596 | Exercise intolerance and impaired glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes patients with heart failure: Identifying microvascular dysfunction as an underlying mechanism. | 4.0 | VIC |
Monash University | Nitesh | Nerlekar | $150,000 | Pericoronary Adipose Tissue Attenutation and the Association with Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Presence, Progression and Vulnerability. | 2.0 | VIC |
The University of Newcastle | Rebecca | Wyse | $105,000 | Using online canteen ordering systems to reduce dietary risks for Cardiovascular Disease: The effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of web-embedded consumer behaviour interventions. | 2.0 | NSW |
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Sandeep | Prabhu | $150,000 | Catheter Ablation versus Medical Rate Control of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Systolic Heart Failure and Myocardial Fibrosis – An MRI Guided Multi-Centre Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial (The CAMERA-MRI II Study) | 2.0 | VIC |
University of Sydney | Stephanie | Partridge | $163,596 | Promoting healthy lifestyles for prevention of obesity in adolescents using a text message support program | 4.0 | NSW |
Western Sydney University | Caleb | Ferguson | $150,000 | INFORM - AF : An mHealth intervention to promote self-care for individuals with atrial fibrillation | 2.0 | NSW |
Institution | First Name | Last Name | Funded Amount | Scientific Title | Duration (Year) | State |
University of Western Australia | Andrew | Haynes | $75,000 | Developmental Origins of Adult Myocardial Structure and Function: Heart Health and the Raine Cohort | 1.0 | WA |
University of Western Australia | Cara | Winnall | $75,000 | The UtiLitY of cardiac myosin binding protein C in the Early triage of low risk patients with Suspected acute coronary syndromes (ULYCES) | 1.0 | WA |
University of Western Australia | Frank | Sanfilippo | $74,910 | Inflammation as an independent risk factor of future cardiovascular events in the population | 1.0 | WA |
Monash University | Francine | Marques | $74,966 | The use of dietary supplements which release high levels of gut metabolites to lower blood pressure: a phase IIa clinical trial | 1.0 | VIC |
University of Sydney | Helen | McGuire | $75,000 | Precision Immune Profiling for Improved Coronary Artery Disease Risk Detection | 1.0 | NSW |
University of Sydney | Raj | Puranik | $74,920 | Cardiac MRI and T1 Mapping for diagnosis of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy | 1.0 | NSW |
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Andre | La Gerche | $75,000 | Cardiac fibrosis in systemic sclerosis | 1.0 | VIC |
Peninsula Health | Ashley | Webb | $73,780 | Reducing cardiovascular risk through smoking cessation before elective surgery. A randomized control trial of mailed nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and behavioural support and relapse-prevention. | 1.6 | VIC |
Australian Centre for Heart Health | Barbara | Murphy | $70,000 | Enhancing the uptake and acceptability of cardiac rehabilitation for women: development and piloting of a women-only CR program incorporating a 'female-friendly' exercise component | 1.0 | VIC |
Monash University | Barbora | de Courten | $74,960 | Effect of Carnosine on Walking Endurance in Patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease | 1.0 | VIC |
University of Sydney | Camilla | Hoyos | $74,965 | The effects of long term low-dose colchicine on cognition and brain health in patients with established coronary artery disease- A randomised-controlled study | 1.0 | NSW |
University of Sydney | Carissa | Bonner | $75,000 | Development and randomised trial evaluation of an online consumer engagement tool for CVD risk assessment and management: A decision aid tailored to health literacy level | 1.0 | NSW |
University of Adelaide | Christopher | Wong | $75,000 | Characterising the effects of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibition on adiposity, cardiometabolic health, and outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation | 1.0 | SA |
University of Sydney | Clara | Chow | $75,000 | Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Control on the Burden of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Non-permanent Atrial Fibrillation – Feasibility study | 1.0 | NSW |
Monash University | Dominique | Cadilhac | $75,000 | Economic Evaluation of the Melbourne Mobile Stroke Unit ambulance compared to standard ambulance services for the diagnosis and treatment of suspected stroke | 1.0 | VIC |
University of New South Wales | Emily | Atkins | $74,770 | Dose administration aids for delivering low-dose combination blood pressure lowering therapy | 1.0 | NSW |
Menzies School of Health Research | Emma | McMahon | $73,877 | Making healthy food choices the easy choice to reduce CVD risk for people in remote Indigenous communities: effectiveness of community nutrition reports to support store committees to create health-enabling stores | 1.0 | NT |
National Ageing Research Institute | Frances | Batchelor | $74,398 | Evaulation of the CardiacRehabPlus model in improving outcomes for transient ischaemic attack/minor stroke and cardiac rehabilitation patients. | 1.0 | VIC |
University of Sydney | Gemma | Figtree | $75,000 | Blockade of Orexin Signalling in Hypertension (The BOSH Study) | 1.0 | NSW |
University of Western Australia | Graham | Hillis | $85,000 | A pilot study of aspirin combined with warfarin in patients with a left sided mechanical heart valve | 1.1 | NSW |
Murdoch Children's Research Institute | Igor | Konstantinov | $72,960 | Targeted single nuclei RNA-sequencing for the prediction of heart transplantation rejection | 1.0 | VIC |
Curtin University | Judith | Finn | $75,000 | Development of an empirical model for the strategic placement of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in public locations: improving survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. | 1.0 | VIC |
University of Sydney | Kazuaki | Negishi | $74,493 | Diagnostic Ultrasound and t-PA for non-invasive treatment for ST-elevated myocardial infarction – the ADD-ON Trial Pilot Study | 1.0 | TAS |
Australian National University | Kim | Greaves | $75,000 | Making better use of a GP software system to prevent cardiovascular disease: evaluation of a potential surveillance system, and a pilot study to recall-and-treat high risk patients | 1.0 | QLD |
University of Western Australia | Markus | Schlaich | $75,000 | The role of neuroinflammation in human hypertension | 1.0 | WA |
Monash University | Michael | Cowley | $75,000 | Activation of the cold receptor system in overweight humans improves cardiovascular outcomes? | 1.0 | VIC |
The University of Queensland | Nicholas | Gilson | $74,829 | Truck-Fit: Testing of a scalable high intensity interval training program for male long distance truck drivers with cardio-metabolic risks and conditions | 1.0 | QLD |
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Nitesh | Nerlekar | $73,474 | The Association between Pericoronary Adipose Tissue and Coronary Artery Disease presence, progression and vulnerability. | 1.0 | VIC |
University of Sydney | Rachael | Cordina | $74,591 | FONTAN Personalised Exercise Prescription at yoUr Place (PEP-UP) Trial: A novel home-based exercise intervention to augment the peripheral muscle pump and improve peak exercise capacity in young people with a single ventricle | 1.0 | NSW |
University of New South Wales | Richard | Day | $74,087 | Vascular effects of the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor empagliflozin in people with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease (Stage 3B/4) | 1.0 | NSW |
Monash University | Roger | Evans | $75,000 | Feasibility of a clinical trial to prevent cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury | 1.3 | VIC |
Deakin University | Sheikh Mohammed | Shariful Islam | $73,767 | Effectiveness of a wearable continuous blood pressure monitoring device with a care platform on hypertension control: A randomized controlled trial | 1.0 | VIC |
Murdoch Children's Research Institute | Siva | Namachivayam | $50,000 | Early prophylactic peritoneal dialysis in infants after cardiac surgery: a randomised, open, two group trial | 1.0 | VIC |
Melbourne Health | Stephen | Harrap | $75,000 | Real-time blood pressure measurement to detect initial orthostatic hypotension in patients hospitalised for syncope | 1.0 | VIC |
University of Western Australia | Trevor | Mori | $74,878 | Aldosterone, cardio-metabolic profile and early life factors in the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study | 1.0 | WA |
James Cook University | Jonathan | Golledge | $75,000 | Metformin for treating peripheral artery disease-related walking impairment (MERIT) | 1.0 | QLD |
Institution | First Name | Last Name | Funded Amount | Scientific Title | Duration (Year) | State |
University of Sydney | Benjamin | Moore | $90,000 | Diagnoses, treatment and outcomes of atrial arrhythmias in complex adult congenital heart disease. | 2.3 | NSW |
Monash University | Renata | Libianto | $64,113 | Primary Aldosteronism: Prevalence, Clinical Features, and Biomarkers | 3.0 | VIC |
University of Sydney | Christopher | Wong | $120,000 | Translational applications of coronary physiology and computational fluid dynamics in the cardiac catheter laboratory | 3.0 | NSW |
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | David | Chieng | $64,113 | Catheter Ablation for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: A Multicentre, Prospective, Randomised Trial of Pulmonary Vein Isolation (PVI) vs PVI with Posterior Left Atrial Wall Isolation (PWI)- the CAPLA Study | 3.0 | VIC |
University of Melbourne | Samer | Noaman | $90,000 | Project 1: Doxycycline as a cardioprotective agent in ST-elevation myocardial infarction administered pre-reperfusion. Project 2: Comprehensive assessment of coronary microcirculatory function in nonischaemic cardiac disease. | 2.2 | VIC |
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Elizabeth | Paratz | $64,113 | Utilization of novel genetic and forensic imaging techniques to improve case diagnosis in sudden cardiac death: a prospective study of Australians aged 35-50 years old | 3.0 | VIC |
University of New South Wales | Praveen | Indraratna | $48,147 | Total Cardiac Care – a randomised controlled trial of a comprehensive smartphone application-centric model of care to improve outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease | 3.0 | NSW |
Institution | First Name | Last Name | Funded Amount | Scientific Title | Duration (Year) | State |
The University of Newcastle | Coralie | English | $5,000 | Sit less, move more after stroke. An international perspective | NSW | |
Monash University | Carol | Hodgson | $5,000 | International Exchange in Acute Heart Failure during Critical Illness | VIC | |
University of Melbourne | Anoop | Koshy | $5,000 | Visit to Prof. Lai’s lab in University of California San Francisco | VIC | |
University of Sydney | James | Chong | $5,000 | Advancing translation for cardiac regeneration therapies | NSW | |
La Trobe University | Maria | Jelinic | $5,000 | Renal Inflammation in Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome | VIC |
Last updated11 February 2025
Last reviewed26 July 2023