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Research Grant Recipients 2020



Research Grant Recipients 2020

Recipients awarded in 2020, commencing research projects in 2021.

Full listing of the Heart Foundation Grant Recipients awarded in 2020, commencing research projects in 2021.

For any enquiries, please contact the Research Program team at [email protected]

Research Grants Listing

Institution First Name Last Name  Project Title Project length State
Monash University Jessica O'Brien Quantifying myocardial inflammation in acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease Three years Vic
The University of Newcastle Michelle Bovill Yanhiyanirra (come to one’s assistance) Quit Pack to support smoking cessation among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who smoke: a feasibility study. Three years NSW


Institution First Name  Last Name Project Title Project Length State
The University of Queensland Emma Gordon Targeting the mechanosensory properties of vessels to control endothelial cell dysfunction in disease Four Years QLD
The University of Newcastle Doan Ngo Strategies to prevent and reduce cardiovascular burden in cancer survivors. Four Years NSW
University of Sydney John O'Sullivan Transforming the diagnosis and management of HFpEF Four Years NSW
Queensland University of Technology Jatin Patel Defining novel mechanisms of vascular disease and developing revolutionary stem cell treatments Four Years QLD
University of Tasmania Verity Cleland Improving cardiovascular health through walking and cycling for transport: Advancing understanding of active commuting behaviours among adults Four Years TAS
University of Sydney Camilla Hoyos Targeting the heart to optimise healthy brain ageing in different at risk populations across adulthood Four Years NSW
University of Western Australia Lee Nedkoff Cardiovascular Disease Surveillance for the 21st century: integrating methods and data platforms to assess and advance cardiovascular prevention in Australia Four Years WA
University of Adelaide Adrian Elliott Managing AF Burden and Atrial Remodelling: Role of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Exercise Training Four Years SA
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health Amy Brodtmann Drivers and determinants of vascular brain health: identifying risk and protection for vascular neurodegeneration Four Years VIC
Monash University Janet Bray Optimising the emergency management of acute cardiovascular events Four Years VIC

Institution First Name  Last Name Project Title Project Length State
University of New South Wales James Nadel Examining the role of extracellular myeloperoxidase in the pathogenesis, identification and treatment of high-risk unstable and ruptured atherosclerotic plaque Three Years NSW
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Louise Segan Catheter Ablation versus Medical Rate Control of Atrial Fibrillation with Systolic Heart Failure and Myocardial Fibrosis – an MRI Guided Multi-Centre Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial Three Years VIC
University of Sydney Tejas Deshmukh Cardiac matrix modulation by Platelet Derived Growth Factor to improve outcomes after myocardial infarction  Three Years NSW
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Jason Bloom Evaluation of optimal pharmacologic haemodynamic support strategies in patients presenting with shock Three Years VIC
Institute for Breathing and Sleep Alexandra Murphy SMARTphone-Based Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in BREAST Cancer Patients: A Multi-site Randomized Controlled Trial Three Years VIC
Monash University Luke Dawson Feasibility of using pre-hospital point-of-care troponin and paramedic risk assessment in patients with chest pain without ST-elevation Three Years VIC
Melbourne Health Ahmed Al Kaisey Project 1: Simultaneous endocardial-epicardial mapping and right atrial appendage tissue analysis in patients with non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
Project 2: Simultaneous mapping of the left and right inter atrial septum in patients with non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
Three Years VIC

Institution First Name  Last Name Project Title Project Length State
University of Tasmania Dean Picone Accurate blood pressure with machine learning Two Years TAS
University of Sydney Jessica Orchard Cardiac screening of athletes: disparities and differences in electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation criteria in under-represented populations such as female athletes and Australian indigenous athletes Two Years NSW
Monash University Susie Cartledge Breaking down the silos - a pathway from acute hospital care to cardiac rehabilitation. A pilot RCT to improve referral and uptake of cardiac rehabilitation. Two Years VIC
Macquarie University Chrishan Nalliah Assessing the implications of day-to-day variability of sleep apnoea severity for atrial fibrillation: structural, autonomic, inflammatory, thrombogenic and electrophysiologic characterization Two Years NSW
Deakin University Jennifer Browne Food and Nutrition Policy for First Nations peoples- translating evidence into action Two Years VIC
University of Sydney Pierre Qian Transcatheter ablation of the aorticorenal ganglia for renal sympathetic denervation to treat hypertension Two Years NSW
University of New South Wales Rona Macniven Generating evidence on the impact of physical activity on the cardiovascular health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across the life-course Two Years NSW
Monash University Aidan Burrell Improving the Long-Term Outcomes after Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Acute Heart Failure Two Years VIC
The University of Queensland Emma Thomas Integrating telehealth into cardiac rehabilitation services: understanding factors related to adoption and implementation of telehealth-delivered care to address inequities of access to best practice care Two Years QLD
University of New South Wales Mayooran Namasivayam Mechanisms of left ventricular dysfunction in aortic stenosis: serial assessment of valvular hemodynamics and myocardial mechanics in the progression of aortic stenosis Two Years NSW

Institution First Name  Last Name Project Title Project Length State
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health Yugeesh Lankadeva Pre-clinical assessment of a pharmacological intervention to prevent acute brain and kidney injury arising from cardiac surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass Up to Two Years VIC
St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research Shiang Lim Acute inhibition of Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission using DRPi27, delivered in a novel cardiac-targeted PLGA nanoparticle formulation (“Nano-DRPi27”), for cardioprotection in the setting of ischaemia-reperfusion injury. Up to Two Years VIC
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Melinda Carrington Improving secondary prevention and survivorship after a coronary event through enhanced disease management in higher risk individuals Up to Two Years VIC
University of New South Wales Kerry-Anne Rye A novel strategy for reducing future events in myocardial infarction survivors Up to Two Years NSW
University of Adelaide Christina Bursill The role of the asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGR)1 in atherosclerosis and the glycome Up to Two Years SA
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute David Kaye Mechanistic insights into the beneficial actions of SGLT2 inhibitors on cardiovascular outcomes in heart failure Up to Two Years VIC
Monash University Lisa Moran Reducing cardiometabolic risk of Australian women during and post pregnancy through risk prediction modelling and implementation of antenatal and postpartum lifestyle interventions – implementation research Up to Two Years VIC
Monash University Miles De Blasio Pericardial fat pad removal as a new strategy to treat heart failure in type 2 diabetes. One Year VIC
Monash University Stephen Holdsworth Stabilizing mast cells to prevent cardiac ischaemia-reperfusion injury Up to Two Years VIC
Monash University Kristen Bubb Investigating the protective role of C-type natriuretic peptide in preeclampsia and future cardiovascular risk. Up to Two Years VIC
Monash University Dion Stub Noradrenaline Versus Adrenaline in the initial management shock Up to Two Years VIC
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Bing Wang Novel antifibrotic agent as a therapy for heart failure with a preserve ejection fraction Up to Two Years VIC
University of Western Australia Graham Hillis The REsolution of LEft VENTricular thrombus [RELEVENT] vanguard trial and registry Up to Two Years WA
University of New South Wales Thanh Nho Do Design, Fabrication, and Evaluation of Artificial Soft Robotic Skin-Assisted Congestive Heart Failure Up to Two Years NSW
Murdoch Children's Research Institute David Elliott Identifying cardio-protective compounds that prevent anthracycline induced heart damage. Up to Two Years VIC
University of Adelaide John Horowitz Improving understanding of perioperative acute cardiac injury: importance of acute inflammation (TakoTsubo Syndrome) rather than acute myocardial infarction. Up to Two Years SA
University of Western Australia Markus Schlaich Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: Truly a syndrome of cardiac catecholamine excess? Up to Two Years WA
Flinders University Joseph Selvanayagam Randomised controlled trial of pErhexiline on regreSsion Of Left Ventricular hypErtrophy in patients with symptomatic Hypertrophic CardioMyopathy (RESOLVE-HCM Trial) Up to Two Years SA
University of Sydney Pierre Qian Transcatheter ablation of the aorticorenal ganglia for renal sympathetic denervation to treat hypertension Up to Two Years NSW
Monash University Brad Broughton Delivering a novel cell free therapy to improve stroke outcomes Up to Two Years VIC
Monash University Rebecca Ritchie Characterising glucose-driven myocardial subproteome in the diabetic human heart and its link to cardiomyopathy phenotype Up to Two Years VIC
Monash University Tracey Gaspari IRAP - an innovative target and potential biomarker in the fight against Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Up to Two Years VIC
Monash University Lauren May Decoding the G protein-coupled receptor signalling fingerprints in fibrosis to identify new therapeutic targets for heart failure. Up to Two Years VIC

The following researchers have been awarded an innovation award for submitting the top innovative projects.

Paul Korner Innovation Award

In memory of Professor Paul Korner, who passed away in 2012, this award is in appreciation of the positive impact his work had on many lives.

This award recognises the most innovative successful Future Leader Fellowship and Postdoctoral Fellowship applications. The recipients receive an additional $20,000 on top of the Fellowship.

  • Dr Emma Gordon, The University of Queensland

  • Dr Jatin Patel, Queensland University of Technology

  • Dr Dean Picone, University of Tasmania

  • Dr Rona Macniven, University of New South Wales

Ross Hohnen Award for Research Excellence

In memory of Ross Hohnen AM, OBE who passed away in 2003, the Heart Foundation awards the “Ross Hohnen Award recognising Research Excellence” to encourage innovation in cardiovascular research.

This award recognises the most outstanding and innovative Vanguard Grant application. The recipient receives an additional $10,000 on top of the Grant.

  • Associate Professor Dion Stub, Monash University

Last updated11 February 2025

Last reviewed15 January 2024