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Research Grant Recipients 2021



Research Grant Recipients 2021

Recipients awarded in 2021, commencing research projects in 2022

Full listing of the Heart Foundation Grant Recipients announced in 2021, commencing research projects in 2022.

For any enquiries, please contact the Research Program team at [email protected]

Research Grants Listing

Institution Awardee Project Title Project length State
Menzies School of Health Research Mrs Vicki Wade Beyond the Scars: The social and emotional wellbeing of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with rheumatic heart disease Three Years NT
The University of Newcastle Dr Michelle Bovill Which Way? Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women to be smoke-free through group-based cessation support. Three Years NSW


Institution Awardee Project Title Project length State
University of Adelaide  Dr Li Jiawen

Ultrathin 3D micro-printed cellular-resolution intravascular imaging catheter to enable accurate detection of critical features of high-risk atherosclerotic plaques in patients

(Honorary Future Leader Fellowship)

Four Years SA
University of New South Wales Dr Michael Falster Using big data to inform post-hospital treatment decisions with cardiovascular medicines: variation, adherence and outcomes of care Four Years NSW
University of Sydney Associate Professor Steven Wise Bioengineering New Synthetic Conduits for Arterial Revascularisation Four Years NSW
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Associate Professor Anna Calkin Utilising Systems Genomics to Identify Novel Regulators of Cardiometabolic Disease Four Years VIC
University of Tasmania Dr Rachel Climie

New strategies to prevent cardiovascular disease by identifying disease risk in early life


(Honorary Future Leader Fellowship)

Four Years TAS
Monash University Associate Professor Francine Marques

Targeting the gut microbiota to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease


(Honorary Future Leader Fellowship)

Four Years VIC
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health Dr Yugeesh Lankadeva Developing novel mechanism-guided interventions to prevent brain and kidney injury arising after cardiac surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass and during sepsis Four Years VIC
Monash University Dr Ziad Nehme Every minute counts: a strategy to strengthen the links in the Chain of Survival for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Four Years VIC
The University of Newcastle Dr Rebecca Wyse

Adopting Digital Health Interventions at scale to increase their impact on Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) dietary risk factors at a population-level


(Honorary Future Leader Fellowship)

Four Years NSW
Monash University Associate Professor Monique Kilkenny National Stroke Data Linkage Program: Using big data to improve diagnostic coding, clinical management and long-term outcomes after stroke Four Years VIC
Monash University Associate Professor Dion Stub Integration of Pre-hospital and Hospital based clinical registries to investigate novel therapeutics and systems of care in cardiac emergencies Four Years VIC
University of Sydney Dr Lining Ju Platelet mechanobiology inspired anti-thrombotic strategies and point-of-care biomedical engineering Four Years NSW
Deakin University Professor Kylie Hesketh Early childhood physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions to optimise heart health trajectories Four Years VIC
University of New South Wales Dr Ryan Courtney Reducing the social gradient in smoking cessation: New and innovative approaches to increase quitting and improve cardiovascular health outcomes Four Years NSW
The University of Newcastle Associate Professor Aaron Sverdlov Improving cardiovascular health for people living with and beyond cancer Four Years NSW
The University of Queensland Dr Sonia Shah Using genomic data to improve the understanding, prevention and management of cardiovascular disease Four Years QLD


Institution Awardee Project Title Project length State
University of New South Wales Dr Lucy McGrath-Cadell Understanding the genetics and mechanisms of spontaneous coronary artery dissection Up to Three Years NSW
Monash University Dr Elisabeth Ng Primary aldosteronism: new strategies for diagnosis and management Up to Three Years VIC
Monash University Dr Sean Tan Cardiovascular Screening in Cancer Patients Treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Up to Three Years VIC
Flinders University Dr Kathryn Tiver The Effect of Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibition on Electrophysiologic and Clinical Parameters of Atrial Fibrillation Up to Three Years SA
Murdoch Children's Research Institute Dr Yara-Natalie Abo Rising to the challenge of rheumatic heart disease: human trials to accelerate Strep A vaccine development Up to Three Years VIC
Murdoch Children's Research Institute Dr Michael Zhu Long-term Outcomes of Surgery for Diseases of the Aortic Valve in Children Up to Three Years VIC
University of Melbourne Dr Varun Sharma Multimodal Spectroscopy as a point-of-care instrument in Cardiac Surgery Up to Three Years VIC
University of New South Wales Dr Yashutosh Joshi Exploring the role of potential cardioprotective agents (heparin, tirofiban, SGLT2 inhibitors & ASIC1a inhibitors) in improving donor heart preservation for heart transplantation Up to Three Years NSW
University of Western Australia Dr Umar Ali Metabolic phenotyping of plasma and urine to detect subclinical coronary atherosclerosis Up to Three Years WA
University of Sydney Dr Prajith Jeyaprakash Restoring microvascular circulation with diagnostic ultrasound and contrast agent: the REDUCE Trial: A randomised, double blinded, sham controlled, multicentre trial at three high volume primary percutaneous coronary intervention centres Up to Three Years NSW


Institution Awardee Project Title Project length State
University of Melbourne Dr Fana Alemseged Improving outcomes of stroke patients with basilar artery occlusion Two Years VIC
University of New South Wales Dr Sonali Gnanenthiran Drug repurposing in cardiovascular disease: strategies to improve outcomes and accelerate drug translation. Two Years NSW
Monash University Dr Adam Nelson The Do statins favourably modify atherosclerotIc plaque in patients with different levels of polygenic Cardiovascular rIsk? (DA VINCI) trial Two Years VIC
Monash University Dr Hashrul Rashid Longitudinal impact of CT-defined leaflet thrombosis on valvular haemodynamics and clinical outcomes following transcatheter aortic valve replacement Two Years VIC
University of Sydney Dr Mark Dennis Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) for Cardiac Failure and Cardiac arrest - patient selection, outcomes and appropriate resource usage Two Years NSW
University of Melbourne Dr Anoop Koshy Enhancing Cardiovascular Risk Prediction in Patients undergoing Liver Transplantation: Role of an Impaired Cardiac Reserve (ENVISION-LT Study) Two Years VIC
University of Western Australia Dr Abdul Rahman Ihdayhid Patient-Specific CT-Derived Modelling of Blood Flow to Predict Coronary Obstruction for Aortic Valve in Valve Implantation: PRECISION Study Two Years WA
The University of Queensland Dr Jaimon Kelly A mixed methods study to evaluate the trust and confidence in digital health and codesign solutions to prevent cardiovascular disease in people with chronic kidney disease Two Years QLD
Monash University Dr Kathryn Eastwood Developing strategies to reduce unplanned emergency services presentation in the 90-days following discharge for acute coronary syndrome by understanding the reasons and associated factors. Two Years VIC


Institution Awardee Project Title Project length State
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Dr Yow Keat Tham Targeting heart-enriched lipid species, plasmalogens: a new oral-based treatment strategy for the failing heart One Year VIC
Deakin University Dr Lewan Parker Antioxidant deficiency screening and personalised antioxidant prescription as an accessible and cost-effective treatment for cardiovascular dysfunction and insulin resistance Up to Two Years VIC
University of Sydney Dr John O'Sullivan Replenishing Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide to Rescue Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction Up to Two Years NSW
Curtin University Professor Andrew Maiorana Developing and testing a novel deep learning model to improve access to accurate echocardiography Up to Two Years WA
University of New South Wales Associate Professor Shane Thomas Biodegradable Nanoparticles as a Novel Clinically Viable Therapeutic Approach for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease Up to Two Years NSW
University of Melbourne Professor Leanne Delbridge Developing a blood test for early detection of diabetic heart disease Up to Two Years VIC
Macquarie University Dr Mitchell Sarkies Developing an implementation strategy for enhancing the detection and management of familial hypercholesterolaemia in Australia One Year NSW
The University of Newcastle Professor Jenny Bowman Evaluating the feasibility and efficacy of PhysiCards: a pilot randomised controlled trial of a novel tool to assist mental health consumers identify and seek care for cardiovascular (and other) physical health concerns One Year NSW
University of Melbourne Professor Louise Burrell Plasma ACE2 activity levels and cardiac outcomes following severe SARS Co-V2 infection One Year VIC
Central Queensland University Professor Corneel Vandelanotte Applying machine learning to develop a smart and engaging chatbot to increase physical activity and improve health Up to Two Years QLD
University of Western Australia Dr Gina Trapp Limiting the impact of energy drinks on children's heart health: a prospective, matched controlled-trial to test the feasibility of a mandatory ban on the sale of energy drinks to children Up to Two Years WA
The University of Newcastle Professor Tracy Burrows Evaluating the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a cardiovascular disease prevention intervention targeting addictive and compulsive overeating among adults with a mental illness: CardioFix One Year NSW
University of Sydney Associate Professor Steven Wise Engineering “arteries in a box” from patient-derived cells to unravel novel mechanisms and treatment strategies for coronary artery disease Up to Two Years NSW
Monash University Associate Professor Flora Wong Predictive monitoring for early detection of cardiac dysfunction in preterm babies, using heart rate variability and deep learning Up to Two Years VIC
The University of Newcastle Dr Tatt Jhong Haw Investigating the cardiopulmonary impacts of prolonged exposure to bushfire smoke particulate matter and other environmental hazards in Regional Australia One Year NSW
University of New South Wales Dr Damia Mawad The next generation of cardiac pacemakers: leadless and flexible organic optoelectronics for optical pacing of the heart Up to Two Years NSW
University of Melbourne Professor Karlheinz Peter The enemy within: defining the role of T cells in atherosclerotic autoimmunity, plaque instability and rupture Up to Two Years VIC
University of Melbourne Dr Laura Bienvenu Immunomodulatory Therapy for Preserving Cardiac Function Following Myocardial Infarction Up to Two Years VIC
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health Dr Yugeesh Lankadeva Elucidating the optimal dosing regimen of intravenous Vitamin C for improving circulatory management and reversing brain and kidney injury in septic shock Up to Two Years VIC
Monash University Associate Professor Dion Stub Pre-hospital point-of-care troponin and paramedic risk assessment in patients with chest pain without ST-elevation: A cluster randomized controlled trial Up to Two Years VIC
Monash University Professor Karen Smith Randomised controlled trial of the Artificial Intelligence in carDiac arrEst (AIDE) decision support tool for improved identification of cardiac arrest in the Triple Zero (000) call Up to Two Years VIC
The University of Newcastle Professor Philip Morgan Cultural adaptation and feasibility trial of ‘Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids’ for Indigenous Australian families to improve cardiovascular health Up to Two Years NSW
University of Sydney Associate Professor Natasha Rogers Investigating a new pathway driving cardiorenal syndrome. Up to Two Years NSW
University of Sydney Professor Gemma Figtree A new paradigm to tackle redox-mediated cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction Up to Two Years NSW
University of Melbourne Dr Kate Weeks Modulating cardiac protein phosphatase activity as a new strategy for heart failure One Year VIC
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Associate Professor Anna Calkin Validation of a Novel Regulator of Lipid Metabolism One Year VIC
University of New South Wales Dr Ying Wang Improving cardiovascular outcomes in acute kidney injury Up to Two Years NSW
University of Sydney Professor Kazuaki Negishi Restoring microvascular circulation with diagnostic ultrasound and contrast agent: the REDUCE Trial: A multicentre pilot study at three high volume primary percutaneous coronary intervention centres Up to Two Years NSW
Monash University Dr Tomasz Block NOX5 in circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells as a new biomarker for unstable diabetic cardiovascular disease One Year VIC
University of Western Australia Professor Carl Schultz Prevention of Aortic Stenosis progression Phylloquinone Ossification Reduction Trial (PASSPORT) Up to Two Years WA
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Professor Julie McMullen Identifying new strategies to treat and prevent atrial fibrillation by understanding differences between physiological and pathological atrial enlargement Up to Two Years VIC


Institution Awardee Project Title Project length State
The University of Newcastle Dr Alice Grady Improving the health of pre-schoolers: childcare-based obesity prevention interventions at scale Up to Six Months NSW
University of Tasmania Dr Rachel Climie Vascular ageing across the life course Up to Six Months TAS
Monash University Dr Hashrul Rashid Advanced Structural Heart Clinical and Research Fellowship at Guy's & St Thomas Hospital Up to Six Months VIC
University of Sydney Dr Jessica Orchard Cardiac screening of athletes: building a national registry of screening electrocardiograms Up to Six Months NSW
Deakin University Dr Laura Alston Advancing nutrition data collection and CVD prevention research in rural Australia Up to Six Months VIC
University of South Australia Dr Dorothea Dumuid What influences the activity trade-offs people make during important life transitions? Up to Six Months SA
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Dr Kate Weeks Emerging drug targets for heart failure Up to Six Months VIC
Griffith University Associate Professor Hang Ta Conference participation: Smart nanomedicine for diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases Up to Six Months QLD


The following researchers have been awarded an innovation award for submitting the top innovative projects.

Shirley E Freeman Innovation Award

Shirley E Freeman AM (1924 - 2014) was the first female to receive funding from the Heat Foundation in 1960. Her funding was £1250 for a grant-in-aid that commenced 1961.

This award recognises the most innovative successful Postdoctoral Fellowship application. The recipient receives an additional $20,000 on top of the Fellowship.

  • Dr Adam Nelson, Monash University

The Heart Foundation Excellence Award, generously sponsored by Rebecca Davies AO FAICD, offers additional funding to recognise and reward the highest ranked 2021 Heart Foundation PhD Scholar.

  • Dr Yara-Natalie Abo, Murdoch Children's Research Institute

Ross Hohnen Innovation Award

In memory of Ross Hohnen AM, OBE who passed away in 2003, the Heart Foundation awards the “Ross Hohnen Award recognising Research Excellence” to encourage innovation in cardiovascular research.

This award recognises the most outstanding and innovative Vanguard Grant application. The recipient receives an additional $10,000 on top of the Grant.

  • Professor Corneel Vandelanotte, Central Queensland University

Paul Korner Innovation Award

In memory of Professor Paul Korner, who passed away in 2012, this award is in appreciation of the positive impact his work had on many lives.

This award recognises the most innovative successful Future Leader Fellowship applications. The recipients receive an additional $20,000 on top of the Fellowship.

  • Dr Li Jiawen, University of Adelaide

  • Dr Yugeesh Lankadeva, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health

Last updated11 February 2025

Last reviewed22 January 2024