Our online communities offer a way to share your experiences of living with a heart condition and connect with others who truly understand what you're going through.
Our groups are carefully moderated by the Heart Foundation to ensure a respectful, safe and supportive environment. Whether you're living with a heart condition, or a carer, you’ll find a welcoming space to discuss your journey, share your challenges, and celebrate your victories.
Our peer support network is made up of two online communities.
When you join our peer support online communities you will have access to valuable tips and strategies for leading a heart-healthy life. From navigating the healthcare system and sharing heart-healthy recipes to improving your emotional wellbeing, you'll gain insights that can help improve your quality of life living with a heart condition.
Joining is easy. All you need is a Facebook account, then follow the links below to join our closed Facebook group (online community). Don’t forget to answer the membership questions so we can approve your membership. We look forward to you joining us online:
Looking for more information on living with a heart condition? Join our MyHeart MyLife support program.
Having a mental health condition can have a negative impact on your heart health and increase your risk of heart disease.
Your next step towards recovery and living well with heart disease
By sharing your heart story, you can help save lives. You can tell others about the warning signs of a heart attack, the importance of a Heart Health Check, or even what it’s like to live with chronic heart disease.