Our evidence summaries and reviews contain the current knowledge used to develop the Heart Foundation’s position statements and recommendations on food and nutrition. This systematic review forms the basis for the Heart Foundation’s position on food and nutrition as outlined in our position statement Heart Healthy Eating Patterns.
Dietary Patterns and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes | This systematic review forms the basis for the Heart Foundation’s position on food and nutrition as outlined in our position statement Heart Healthy Eating Patterns. |
Eggs and Cardiovascular Health | This Summary of Evidence presents the contemporary evidence relating to eggs and heart health. It was used as the basis for the Heart Foundation’s position statement Eggs and Heart Healthy Eating. |
Dairy and Cardiovascular Health | The evidence contained in this resource is the basis for our position statement Dairy and Heart Healthy Eating. |
Animal sourced protein (meat and poultry) and heart health (2019) | This evidence on the relationship between animal-sourced protein (meat and poultry) and heart health was used to develop our position statement Meat and Heart Healthy Eating. |
Dietary fats and cardiovascular disease | We commissioned this evidence check to review the most recent evidence on dietary fats and cardiovascular health. The findings were used to develop our position statement Dietary Fat and Heart Healthy Eating. |
Levels of trans fats in the food supply and consumption in Australia An Expert Commentary brokered by the Sax Institute for The National Heart Foundation of Australia December 2017 |
This systematic review and commentary provides evidence on trans-fat and its presence in the Australian food supply. The findings helped us to develop our position statement Dietary Fat and Heart Healthy Eating. |
Fish, fish oils, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cardiovascular health (2008) |
This detailed review paper was developed after an extensive review and consultation process. It examines the evidence around fish, fish oils, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cardiovascular health, and was used as the basis for our position statement on Fish and Seafood. |
Indications for omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease evidence on fish, fish oils, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cardiovascular health (2015) | This article, published in the Journal of Heart Lung Circulation by the authors of the review into fish and fish oils and cardiovascular health, was written alongside for the development of our position statement Fish and Seafood. |
Phytosterol/stanol enriched foods (updated 2017) | This summary of evidence looks at the role of phytosterol and stanol enriched foods in lowering cholesterol. It was used as the basis for our position statement on Phytosterol/stanol enriched foods. |
Dietary electrolytes and cardiovascular disease (2006) | After conducting this evidence review of dietary electrolytes and cardiovascular disease, we updated our position on dietary sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium levels and their effect on reducing blood pressure levels in patients with hypertension. |
Alcohol | This summary of evidence looks at the role of alcohol consumption and Cardiovascular Health. It was used as the basis for our position statement on alcohol. |
The Heart Foundation’s food and nutrition position statements have been developed to keep you informed about our position on a range of nutrition issues relating to heart health.
Resources to help people follow a heart healthy eating pattern in their daily lives.
A range of resources for health professionals to use as part of routine care.
Last updated26 April 2024
Last reviewed26 April 2024