3 min read
Did you know that 80% of 5–17 year olds aren’t active enough according to Australian physical activity guidelines?
And that 70% of them spend more than 2 hours a day in front of a screen for recreation? (Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Health Survey, 2010–11)
Inactive kids are likely to become inactive adults. But there are simple things you can do to change this.
Making physical activity a priority for your family sets a positive example and it’s a great way to spend quality time together. It’s good for you, and it helps your family establish healthy habits.
We support Australia’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines, which include the following recommendations:
For more detailed guidance by age group, visit Australia’s Physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines website.
Active kids have improved concentration, better self-confidence and stronger muscles and bones.
Research suggests that sitting less (as well as being physically active) helps to reduce the risk of children and young people developing health and other problems in later life. Watching television, using a computer and playing electronic games all contribute to children and young people’s sitting times, so that’s why we recommend limiting them.
Moving more every day is one of the best habits you can have.
By increasing physical activity at school, and by walking or riding to school, children are better able to meet their physical activity needs.
Physical activity and exercise can do wonders for your physical and mental health.
Last updated14 March 2024
Last reviewed08 March 2024