Electronic pacing devices, such as the pacemaker or the defibrillator, are required when the conduction system is unable to sustain regular heart contraction. These devices are typically made of a pulse generator, electrodes, and a battery. Despite their tremendous therapeutic benefits, their use entail complications including infection risk at multiple sites in the body, dislodgement/failure of the leads/electrodes due to repetitive mechanical stress, and revision surgeries for battery replacement. Here, Dr Damia Mawad and team propose an optical pacing technology to overcome these challenges. The team will demonstrate that a thin film patch fabricated from soft materials that can convert optical signal into electric signal (optoelectronic) can adhere intimately to cardiac tissue without sutures, modulating its electrophysiology upon light illumination. The outcome will be an optical pacing technology that is leadless, lightweight, and durable. This is a highly desirable outcome to minimize preventable patient harm and healthcare costs.
The next generation of pacemakers: leadless, flexible and organic
New research funded by the Heart Foundation aims to boost surgery success rates for life-threatening heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias), leading to fewer Australians needing defibrillators installed in their chests.
World first randomised controlled trial of cardiac arrest patients that compares MPA with standard ('hands off') defibrillation
Last updated12 March 2024