Heart failure with a stiff heart but relatively preserved contraction (Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction or ‘HFpEF’) has become the commonest type of heart failure in the community and hospital environment. Like the readily-recognised heart failure with reduced contraction (HFrEF), it has a poor outlook- typically patients survive about 2 years from diagnosis during which time they are chronically ill, have poor quality of life, and frequent admissions to hospital. Despite many scientifically-proven treatments for HFrEF, there are none for HFpEF. There is a pressing need to improve understanding of HFpEF, develop novel treatments, and implement these into clinical practice. Although patients with HFpEF collectively have similar heart abnormalities, we believe that there are several sub-classes corresponding to the most prevalent underlying conditions (high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnoea).
Therefore, we propose to:
Novel therapy for heart failure
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Last updated12 March 2024