Acute cardiovascular events include strokes, heart attacks and cardiac arrests. These time critical conditions affect one-in-five Australians and are a major cause of disability and death. Emergency treatments can reduce the damage to the heart and brain, but time-to-treatment is crucial –as these treatments are most effective at symptom onset and become less effective with time.
Unfortunately, many patients do not receive these treatments or receive them at a time when their effectiveness is reduced. Understanding and evaluating strategies to improve access to these treatments is a health care priority. There is also significant work to be done in improving the evidence-base for many of the emergency treatments for acute cardiovascular events –as many treatments are based on expert consensus rather than evidence.
The aim of my research program is to improve outcomes for Australian cardiovascular patients through a program of high-quality research aiming to improve access to acute treatments and informing treatment recommendations in clinical guidelines.
This program includes 2 main areas of research in heart attack, stroke and cardiac arrest:
1) improving the public's' recognition and response to illness and
2) improving the evidence-base of care. Many of the Fellowship projects have recently received funding, and directly address the National Health and Priorities of Cardiovascular Health and Stroke and internationally recognised gaps in existing evidence.
This study aims to identify key factors underpinning the variation in survival seen across Australia and New Zealand, and make recommendations for intervention
Shock is one of the most challenging clinical management scenarios experienced by clinicians, whether in the pre-hospital setting, emergency department, coronary care or intensive care units
Last year we saw patients postpone or forgo a wide variety of services, ranging from emergency treatment of acute conditions, to routine check-ups, like Heart Health Checks. Primary care clinicians face a backlog of patients in need of preventative and chronic disease related cardiovascular care. Even during a period of competing priorities, the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease has never been so critical.
Last updated12 March 2024