Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability. Since completing her PhD in 2015, Associate Professor Monique Kilkenny has established herself as a national leader in data linkage projects related to the treatment and prevention of stroke. The projects she has lead are essential to investigating the quality of care provided to patients with stroke and are the cornerstones of informing the implementation of interventions that will improve the quality of health care and patient outcomes. Associate Professor Monique Kilkenny's vision is to integrate the data collection systems within Australia to maximise their use for the purpose of preventing stroke, and improving care and long-term patient outcomes following stroke. Associate Professor Monique Kilkenny hopes to achieve this vision through an innovative research program comprising a series of novel cohort studies.
Outcomes of this Fellowship will provide:
i) urgently needed evidence to reduce disability and deaths from stroke;
ii) important new collaborations with general practitioners; and
iii) capacity building for health services and data linkage research via PhD and postdoctoral positions.
Last updated14 January 2024