CardioFix: Improving heart health through personality-based therapy for overeating behaviour
Overeating affects up to 80% of people with overweight/obesity and those with depression/anxiety (3) – two key, related risks for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Current dietary interventions for CVD focus on nutrients such as improving saturated/trans-fat intake and improving dietary profiles and patterns, rather than changing holistic eating behaviours. Evidence-based services for overeating are rare.
To fill this gap, building on previous research and clinical expertise, Professor Tracy Burrows and team will coordinate a three-month trial of CardioFix: an innovative, personality-based, tailored intervention for adults with a mental illness.
Tangible outcomes will include: greater understanding of the relationship between CVD and overeating; better techniques for identification and assessment of at-risk individuals; new treatment principles; and a scalable prototype of CardioFix. Professor Tracy Burrows will determine how well CardioFix is accepted and its impact on participants’ eating behaviours and CVD risk markers. This will inform development of a larger trial incorporated into health services.
Last updated10 September 2024